Sharpen your knowledge on arboriculture topics with ISA’s informative, entertaining and free podcasts! Each series has a different flavor, but they are all educational and sure to entertain.
Check this site regularly to learn about new podcast episodes, which are all available to download or listen to online for free. Subscribe to all of these great podcasts so you don't miss a single episode!
Want an additional challenge? Need CEUs? We also offer Continuing Education Units (CEUs) by listening to certain podcasts and taking their associated quizzes. The quizzes are available for purchase and can be taken as many times as necessary until you earn a passing score!
ISA Conference Rewind is brought to you by
Did you miss our 2020 Virtual Conference? Here’s your chance to “rewind” and view some of these great sessions from the comfort of your home or office. This series of podcast and videos was developed by the International Society of Arboriculture to provide new educational content from the industry’s top researchers, educators, and practitioners. With Conference Rewind, each free session offers the opportunity to earn CEUs.*
*Educational series is free to view, quizzes must be purchased to earn CEUs
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Science of Arboriculture is brought to you by
No matter where you are, keep up-to-date with the latest research-based information on tree care by listening to this podcast! Science of Arboriculture was developed by the International Society of Arboriculture to provide easily accessible educational talks by the world’s top researchers, educators, and practitioners. Subscribe to this ArborPod™ series to keep up with the fast-paced and evolving research!
If you have comments or a favorite topic in arboriculture that you would like to learn more about, please contact us at isa@isa-arbor.com.
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ArborViews has been discontinued as a podcast on the ISA website, but the existing interviews will be available through our archives. This series features field experts who offer practical information on a broad range of arboricultural topics that are common in the field.
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The Arborist News audio podcast is a special benefit to ISA members and non-members alike. Arborist News Audio is a podcast version of the most current Arborist News CEU article, narrated for your convenience. Whether you’re en route to the next job or sitting on your couch, you can listen to this month’s CEU article, written on a range of topics.
This podcast was designed by the International Society of Arboriculture to help arborists stay up-to-date with the most recent topics, and provide CEU opportunities for our members. While Arborist News is usually only available to ISA members, the CEU articles and this podcast are accessible to all arborists.
With Arborist News Audio, each edition’s CEU article is available as a downloadable podcast at the beginning of the month, along with the opportunity for ISA members to purchase the CEU quiz at the same time and earn credits.
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This monthly video podcast provides quick tips from ISA's library of resource manuals and Best Management Practices booklets, covering topics ranging from soil texture to chainsaw safety. Twice a year, a CEU quiz worth 1 CEU will be available for purchase covering the previous six months' podcasts.
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Since its conception in 2004, Detective Dendro, the Diagnostic Sleuth, has been a highly popular print series with a regular feature in Arborist News magazine. In 2010, this educational and entertaining series became available as one of our ArborPod™ series.
Join Detective Dendro as he uses his professional knowledge of tree science, expert diagnostic skills, and gut instincts of a “hard-boiled detective” to investigate and identify his clients’ biotic and abiotic tree disorders. Assisted by his young apprentice, Codit, they inspect a wide range of mysterious tree afflictions, dispel the “red herrings,” and uncover the signs and symptoms that lead them to accurately diagnose trees in a variety of exotic places.
The Detective Dendro podcast series and characters have evolved over many years. In order to stay attuned to and respectful of the diverse audiences served by ISA, certain episodes have been removed.
If you have comments or a favorite topic in arboriculture that you would like to learn more about, please contact us at isa@isa-arbor.com.
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This ArborPod™ series offers videos that can help an arborist identify parts of a line; select and use the appropriate knots; and learn about other equipment, resources, and techniques valuable in a variety of climbing and rigging scenarios.
Notice to viewers
If you have comments or a favorite topic in arboriculture that you would like to learn more about, please contact us at isa@isa-arbor.com.
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