
2nd Edition of Wood Decay Fungi Common to the Northeast and Central United States

2nd Edition of Wood Decay Fungi Common to the Northeast and Central United States

ISA offers a variety of educational materials and products to help arborists expand their professional knowledge and experience. Every month we will feature a product or group of products. This month ISA is featuring the second edition of Wood Decay Fungi Common to the Northeast and Central United States by Christopher Luley.

The new edition is a complete rewrite of the first edition. It serves as an identification manual of the typical decay fungi arborists likely encounter on urban trees they manage. It also includes basic information about each fungus and an introduction to the biology of decay fungi.  Read the book before taking the quiz to earn 3 CEU credits. (A, U, T, M, L, Bp, Bs, Bm). 

“It was completely rewritten, but the biggest change is more fungi are included, and there are also many more images and better information on the importance of each fungus,” Luley said.

The second edition includes more than 250 images of 50 different fungi commonly found on urban living trees in the northeast and central United States and Canada.

Wood Decay FungiWood Decay Fungi is divided into two sections. Section one focuses on the basics of tree decay, the biology and pathology of decay fungi, and how to identify them. Section two contains the images and descriptions of decay fungi for use in field identification, along with critical information on their pathology, decay potential, and importance.

“[Arborists] need access to good information that they can rely on,” Luley said. “The manual was written specifically for arborists that are managing and working in urban trees. The big take home message is that arborists can identify these fungi and have a working knowledge of the important fungi and what they are doing as they decay urban trees.”

Over the past 17 years, Luley compiled the images, research, and observations that make this an indispensable field reference for any arborist or consultant working with urban trees. The second edition serves as the culmination of his work since the first edition.

“Arborists are in the best position to evaluate how these decay fungi are impacting urban trees as they are on the front line managing and removing trees with decay,” Luley said. “I hope that the manual helps them make better decisions/observations when they encounter decay fungi. I also hope that it provides an entry into the world of fungi that they can build on over time.”

Purchase your copy today!


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